
Monday, December 28, 2009


well, not thát adventurous, I just never knit two items on one circular before. My wee girl needed mittens and so I had me a perfect opportunity to learn a new skill. (thank you, for getting me started!) After the initial stream of curse words and putting (read: throwing) it down a couple of times (especially during casting on)
I'm definatly doing this again. I've always been a latent sock knitter (as in: I love sock knitting but it just never happens) and now I really need to make myself and my wee ones about a dozen pair of socks.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Buy Now: JOAN OF ARC pattern & OCTOPUSSSS pattern/knit kit

I've done the work and have now two designs for sale on Ravelry. (Working on an Etsy shop for all of you that aren't on Ravelry or don't want to sign up -although I think you should-)

The Octopussss complete Knit Kit is now available from SAS Knits It Again too. Go here for more info. So mail me if you're interested. It comes in spectacular colors of Manos del Uruguay worsted with hand made glass beads! Pure Luxury!!

We're in business!

Crafty Christmas Fair

Last saturday SAS Knits It Again put on her handknit socks, wrap and hat and took of to a Christmas Fair in Rotterdam. Me and DianneB stood in -5 degrees (celcius) for 5 hours, freezing our behinds off. But it was such a lovely atmosphere, we hardly noticed our freezing extremities. (it took 15 mins to warm up my feet in warm water, taking care of the white and numb spots)
We were taking care of as if we were queens, hot food, hot drinks and styrofoam to stand on. Thank you dear organizers.
This is a left over sip of tea, frozen... A very well known Dutch actress/singer (Joke Bruijs) sang Christmas Carols and typical local songs. She was very cool and not a diva at all. A very entertaining and bubbly personality, made us all feel a little bit warmer. Before sunset, just finishing off the booth. In full working order.

Friday, December 04, 2009

French Creepy Crawlies

CATERPILLAR (winter-play-sweater for wee ones)

JEANNE D'ARC (hood/wrap/ shawl)

I've been working on two designs. I'm working to get the patterns downloadable soon. I'm aiming to get 6 sets of patterns on Ravelry, hopefully by next month. But my aim might be a little off. Can't promis anything, it beeing december and the fact that two little ones have dibs on my attention. I have a lot of plans for the coming year. like finally starting an Etsy shop and incorporate the patterns on Ravelry ánd the Etsy shop into this site.
In short the year 2009 is for professionalising. Writing it down makes it a promise. So there you are.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Does it come with a tool?

Hilarious, an Ikea workplan for a gingerbread house. Find it here. I'm making one!

On knitting:

Finishing off two designs, working them into patterns and trying to get fotoshoots going in very dull grey and wet weather...

Hang in there, I'll be back.