
Monday, May 08, 2006

Mother Mary (Jane)!

It took me about 4 days... but I finally finished the Mary Jane Footies . Mother of God... I think I started again about 6 times, before I finally understood that I had to start with two needles and what I was making wasn't the toe-part, but the heel. (my first English pattern...)




I have this (weird) habit when it comes to knitted socks and footies. As soon as I finish the first one, I'll start wearing it. Just the one. And I'll wear it when knitting the other one untill the other one is finished. Must be some sort of maternal instinct; I cut the cord of one and I'll have to keep it close to me untill they can be together. I get attached quite literally.

You might not know this about me, but I'm a perfectionist. That's probably what got me here in the first place, at home, resting with a virus (that is more common for people that have been working too hard) and a clear: 'You are getting rest now mylady!' from my doctor. What I have to do now (and have to learn from now on) is not to set my goals too high and that takes a whole lot of soulsearching and mirrorlooking.

The first Mary Jane (let's call her Mary, the other one will be Jane..) Mary, she isn't perfect, like no one is. She's inherated my genes obviously. Which means that, when I created her, I made some small mistakes (as you sometimes do while creating...). That's fine though, character is what makes things/people interesting, so... fine.
But when making Jane, stricktly following the pattern this time, I discovered that there were more than a few flaws. And this is the part when it becomes hard for a perfectionist... What to do? Either 'kill' Mary and start all over (for the 7th time) or create, her sister in her image, so they are both the same, wíllingly making the mistakes again? It's a harsh world! But since I've been doing a lot of learning and soulsearching and looking at myself in the mirror these days, I had to practise what I've been preaching in my head. I finished Jane and they are together now, not perfect, but finished.

finished Mary

working on Jane in the park (with baby Sterre's feet)

It'll be a great day when I'll be able to do exactly that in my job, finishing and rounding up things that might be less perfect and moving on rather then keep perfecting it while other stuff piles up and creating stressfull situations for myself.

Who knew a pair of footies would become a metaphore for my life...

finished Mary Jane Footies (Jane still with umbilical cord)

ps the yarn I used is Anchor Magic


  1. beautifully done! flaws and all (and it is more the pattern than you, because i was the same way...a million mistakes and startovers...but then in the end, they become your own special creation, unique and wonderful)

  2. beautifully done! flaws and all (and it is more the pattern than you, because i was the same way...a million mistakes and startovers...but then in the end, they become your own special creation, unique and wonderful)
