
Monday, July 10, 2006

Easypeasy Cozywozy

I have a brand new phone, shiny, flashy and very, very scratch-sensitive.
And since cables were next on the 'to learn' list, I whipped up this Mini Cable Phone Cozywozy.

You need: Sockyarn, ány sockyarn, cable needle or small dp needle, tapestry needle, size 3 dpn's.


co 23 st on dpn's

1st row: s1, *p 3, k 6*, repeat from * till *; p 3, k1.
2nd, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th & 8th row: knit as stitches appear
7th row: s1, * p 3, k 6, cross to the left (3 & 3: place 3 st on a cable needle in front of the knitted item, knit the next 3 st, then knit the remaining 3 st off the kableneedle)*; repeat * to *; p 3, k1.
Keep repeating these 8 (!) rows until, when flipped double, the needed length is achieved.

Then cast off but leave 4 stitches. Make an i-cord by knitting in stockinette stitch until desired length. Then cast off the 4 stitches.

Finishing: attach the end of the i-cord to the bag with a tapestry needle and a piece of scrap yarn. Crochet a small loop and attach it to the bag. Sew on a matching (or non-matching if you like) button, Get your phone snugly, loop around the button; é presto!


(I translated the cable pattern from Dutch so I hope it works for you, please let me know if I forgot something or made a mistake! It's my first pattern, I didn't do a swatch, next time I will, promise! If you knit this bag, do, do, dó send me a picture, it would boost my ego more than a good fitting jeans would!)

I can recommend beachknitting, fantastic in the evenings especially when followed by a yummy BBQ!

Always grabbing around your purse/ bag to find your phone? Not with the Cozywozy! Pull the bag trough the loop and you'll never miss-grab again!


  1. ok i am so jealous of the picture of you knitting on the beach. i was lucky enough to do that for a few months...and then...and then...winter. rain . no beach. no sunshine knitting. you lucky duck you. oo and i dig your cabling...good job girl. you should try those fetching mitts on knitty..they also have a bit of cable love goin' on. :)

  2. I'm jealous 2:
    want to lay on a beach in brabant!
    But next week I will be laying on a greek beach: better though.
    Your cables have turned out great: nice yarn and telephone.

  3. I wish I could knit on a beach...we don't have any near here *SIGH*
    btw I like your blog I just wanted to say Hoi cause I'm also dutch but I live the england now...just wasn't sure if it was ok for me to speak Dutch so I thought I'd talk english instead^_^ my parents live in Hellevoetsluis still (you know where it is don't you?)
    I've put your link button on my blog hope you don't mind ^_^

  4. ik wil nieuwe breipost lezen!!!! Ik wil graag je vakantiebreisels zien!
    Feed me!

  5. Hoi Sas,

    Mag ik jouw pattern gebruiken. Dat is echt mooi hoor.
