
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

She's Coming... She's Actually Coming!!

I can not believe it, but it's true... Debbie Stoller is going to be in Rotterdam in november! World champion speed knitting Miriam Tegels is also going to be there. I've occasionally stumbled upon her work online and I must say, if anything, I'm intrigued! Lots of knitting, chatting, yarn, coffee and workshops. The people of Stitch 'n Bitch Holland organized a fun-tastic day!! Let it be known to the world!!

On knitting...
I'm knitting, I am... It's just too many things that have all progressed too little, not photo-fahig and then there's one FO, but it's a present and I can't show you yet.
Oh wait... I do have a question for you:

Which button should I use?
This is a close-up of the present, I'm crossing my fingers the recipient's mother won't be checking out my site until sunday... at least I'm not giving away much.
It's for a wee girl! It has 4 buttons, semi-visible and one button visible.
I cannot say more. I dare not say more.

(I photoshopped the yellow to make it look more like it is in real life, you can tell from the top right corner of the yellow part, but still, pretty proud of myself, hehe)

I started on
Ubernatural in a bright green cotton. I found the yarn for 1 euro a skein and couldn't resist it. I like the way that works. Find cheap yarn, find free pattern, e presto: cheap-o-sweater-o!
If you're a big girl you can knit a sweater for about 8 euros, if you're smaller, it'll cost about 6. That's amazing isn't it? Thing is offcourse, I had to buy the needles. With all the trazillion needles I've collected over the last couple of years, thése I didn't have...
Ok, so you have a great and cheap project... but then there's the details. I know, you can't fuss over the details for a mere 8 euros (+ 9 for needle), but still. So you fuss over it and at the same time find yourself some excuses:
- Big girls in big knits don't go well together usually --> (but this cotton is soooo supple, it will work, it will)
- The green is véry green... don't get me wrong, green is my fav color, in all it's shades, but on me, in a big knit sweater? I'm 31 in 20 days... which is off course no excuse whatsoever, I'm just not convinced.

this is how green it is:

(random picture)

--> (I'm sure it'll look great with a black undershirt, that will tone it down. Maybe with my white and green converse(s), it might be a look, it might work.)

I could always knit it for someone else, in fact I already have someone in mind, in fact I might have told her my problem and thought out loud about maybe making it for her (I really need a 'thought muter'; I keep saying things out loud that should stay in my brain) I do want to make it for her, I really do, but at the same time I just really want to know if I'm right about all this and try it on myself first.

So that's how that works in my head. And so I decided to knit it, in my size, see how it works out and go from there. Mir, I'll make you something else soon, really! :-/

I started two days ago, I swear the dog gone thing is haunted...or something. I frogged the first 3 rows about 6 times, the pattern wasn't right. I'm arrogant like that, if it doesn't work, it's the pattern. Never mind that the designer, Stephanie Jaspel, knits like wizard and wrote books about it. I'm telling you, it's not right... So what I do, I knit it as I think it should be. And, for now, it works. But then I fuck up (pretty sure I don't have kids reading this, if I do: sorry!) the whole raglan, holed sleeve thing... And then I go from arrogant to naive; I'm sure it's ok, I'll just have to keep on knitting, it just lóóks funny at this point. So I keep knitting. After some 10+ rows (of 70+ stitches!) I have to face the facts: it's not right! It is sucking big time, it is sucking like an industrial vacuum cleaner. I have to not touch the darn thing and get my mind to settle before I decide to take a picture of this mongrul to show you. But then again, I really don't want to do anything, I get distracted eventually and so I forget to take the picture and frog it and now I have nothing to show you... You'll have to imagine it, it looked like a piece of green punker panty hose with ripped holes.

Yesterday while shopping for buttons I was also on the lookout for the big buttons I need for the sweater. I really want it to be green buttons, so they wont stick out too much. Or maybe see-through. Surely, after walking some km's looking for them in 4 different stores, the best ones were in the first one....

I'm hoping I'll develop a better relationship with this one soon...


  1. Green is great, and suites the pattern very well. About the buttons: also the green with flower, lekker stoer.

  2. hey dearie
    voor the wee girl: ga voor de groene knoop niet het artje. waarom? Uhhh geen goed argument, persoonlijke smaak. ben beniewd hoe het met je kermit groene trui is, wordt vast heel mooi! en te gek dat er een stitch en bitch event is in ons eigen Rotterdam nog wel! Dat ga je vast te leuk vinden!

  3. ik ben zo nieuwsgierig wie deze anonymous is...

  4. heh heh...ah the woes of us knitters!!! goodness gracious. I like to top button on the best foryour gift. both are too cute though!

    oo did you get my last email?

    peace out girl!

  5. I say go with both as in an alternating style...

    but what do I know? I am just drea renee's daaaad

  6. Hey Drea Renee's daaaad!! I'm very flattered that you came to visit my blog. Welcome! :-) By the way; your daughter rocks!

  7. Ik vind 'ubernatural' ook al zo lang zo leuk. Ik wacht nog steeds tot het verlangen overgaat om deze te breien.
    En dat groene? Tja...
    Met een ondershirt, applicatie of ketting zal het wel meevallen. Voor mij persoonlijk zou het wat te heftig zijn.
