
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Introducing: The Tiger Sock Diaries

It's striped, it has a tail (yes it has), it's in brown and yellow....

And may I add that the tail isn't entirely coincidental, it was meant to be, and has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that I cast on way to much for the swatch.

I love tigers, I'm crazy about tigers

of course, before anything else, REAL tigers, the most majestic, powerful, beautiful and amazing animals on earth...
RRRRRRRRWRRRRWRRRRR!But then there's also uber feminist, lesbian, punk-pop-electro band Le Tigre. And although I might not be in their direct target group, they freackin' kick arrrrrrrrrs and I love them! Great stuff to dance to!

And the amazingly funny and cute Hobbes of Calvin & Hobbes, the best comic in the world! My favorite 'sick lit'.

But this is the tiger of the hour, the tiger it's all about from today until the 3rd of February. It's the mascot/ logo for the International Film Festival Rotterdam. I work in the event industry, so I guess you can safely say I've seen it all. Or at least, I've sean a lot. The IFFR is special, it's the event I long for as soon as it's over. I would never want to work for them just because that might spoil all the magic. The Film Festival brings out the best and worst in me; I'm on a trip around the world in my own city, I get to experience loads and loads of emotions and I generally get really inspired by it and start feeling like I'm in my own film. But on the other hand it's all about me, I'm a total selfish nerd. I figure out schedules as soon as the programme is out. I don't care about anything but getting the tickets that I want as soon as possible. I generally visit about 20 films (more when I was a student...) and go to all of them by myself. I will send my schedule to my friends so they can see if they have the same films and meet up, but it's all about ME first. I totally understand why they picked a tiger for their logo. This stuff brings out the beast in you!

The story of how I got my tickets this year needs a whole separate post and since I couldn't wait to kick start the festival on my blog I had to do it before work. So with a limited amount of time I'll quickly get back to the tiger swatch.

It's sock yarn from Storm op Zolder (Storm in the Attic). I bought it at the Stitch 'n Bitch day and this seemed like the perfect sit-and-wait-for-my-film-to-start-project. So here it starts: The Tiger Sock Diaries, I'll be keeping you up to date on their adventures at the festival for the next two weeks or so in true Yarn Harlot style shamelessly copying her 'Travelling Socks'.

Today I've been invited to go to the opening of the festival. Which is like beeing invited to sit in the VIP section of Wimbledon or I dunno... like meeting the writer of your favorite book. It's really not all that special for most people, but to me it is. Today I'm officially kicking off my 2007 International Film Festival Rotterdam adventure.

Together with my tiger socks!


  1. I am not at all jealous. Not a bit. I will have a _ball_ going to the supermarket, and do a few loads of laundry.
    (oops... my nose)

  2. Hoi Saskia,

    klinkt allemaal heel gezellig en ik ga het zeker volgen hoe het met de tijgersokken gaat :-)

    Ehm heb me duf gelachen om je bericht van gisteren, hoop dat je het me vergeeft??? :-)


  3. Ik wens je heel veel plezier met het festival en je breien natuurlijk. Ik heb het programma gezien en wat is er weer veel moois. Wat zullen je ogen moe worden!!

  4. De tijger is inderdaad een mooi dier. Vind het garen best grappig! Ik denk dat het wel wat moois gaat worden :-)

  5. En? Nog iets meegekregen ondanks het gesnotter?

  6. Van de aardbodem verdwenen???
