
Sunday, February 18, 2007

Little Red ...

The words Little Red immediately bring other words to mind like; corvette or riding hood. But in this case it's all about the little red....


It all started about a month ago when Knitting Ajour asked the Stitch 'n Bitch group if anyone was interested in going to an event to knit for money. The event was build around the start of a cultural discount card for the city of Delft. (You know... from the nice blue Delft ware china). Eyes rolled and mouth corners twisted, knitting... for money...? In-te-res-ting!

our 'set' in pretty red, all in style like the card and the bags.
Some of the bags in the background

Calenders were checked a few took the bate and this Saturday three of us hopped on the train to Delft. That just sounds too easy doesn't it? Quick money for a couple of hours of live knitting. Just like that. Well it's not the whole story.
The three weeks right after we agreed to do this 'gig' we knitted our pants off. We had homework you see. To knit 100 (!) little red bags. We agreed on 35 each. The first week Knitting Ajour was already way ahead and Adeline was catching up quickly. And me? I was still feeling like a warm wet dishcloth and with no energy at all managed to make just about 4. The next week it got worse. And while I tried my best I just couldn't do it. Of course when we met at the last S'nB it all got a little more clear. I was knitting on 5mm needles and the others were a whole lot smarter and started knitting with double threads on 8mm needles and even (don't tell anyone...) crocheting the odd one. After I picked that bright idea up, it all took up speed and I managed to knit 4 in one evening. The evening before the event...

Pretty Delft blue blanket in the making, embroidery by Storm op Zolder

It was all too little too late, I finished 16, Ajour did more than 50 and Adeline did 40 something. I'm still getting over the shame...

Adeline knitting a fair isle peace of Delft ware for the blanket

And that wasn't all. We were also supposed to knit some blue squares for a Delft blue blanket to drape on the sofa where we were going to be knitting. I managed 1...

Lovely Ajour, knitting like there's no tomorrow while people wait in line to buy the cards

All in all it was a fun day though. We handed out the small red bags to anyone who bought the card. They were supposed to be card holders, did I mention that? By the end of the day they were all gone... just before the doors closed. 100 little red bags knitted with blood, sweat and yes, maybe a tear or two, now in the hands of 100 people in Delft. Maybe loved and used until threadbare, maybe tossed away in a corner, all with different lives ahead.
*Lump in throat*

we had our own knit ware for sale too. Ajour with her own Ballee brand. Check out her site!


  1. Wat een bijzonder gebeuren!
    Wel speciaal dat ze voor het presenteren van een niewue kaart breisters vragen om het vorm te geven. Dat gaat de goede kant op: breien als performance!

    Groeten van

  2. Wauw! mooie foto's! Al dat rood... too bad I couldn't make it!

  3. goed stuk! En mooie foto's (weer)!
