
Sunday, July 01, 2007

1975 All Over Again

Two days ago I finished the second baby blanket. Well, I finished the first and am still working on the second. I really needed something simple to keep me going. So I cast on for the baby blanket from the first Stitch 'n Bitch book. I started it two weeks ago, finished knitting it after just one week and embroidered it two days ago. So I proved myself right, I have to simplify things to keep going. Lesson learned!

It's made out of a very cheap acrylic yarn that came in a huge ball. I got it as a present from my friend Kim who had it lying around for a while. Then I kept it lying around for about a year, took it to the yarn swap at Knit In Public Day and decided to take it back home with me. I just finally got a feeling and idea to match it's look. It's perfect, it's a banana milkshake yellow and cream and very durable and (important!) washable. I decided to embroider something in chocolate brown on it to match the old fashioned look. The baby's room is going to be in a tree/forest theme with trees (duh) and deer and stuff so I decided on a Bambi-ish figure. I used a stitch that would work on both sides going up and down through the knit ware and filling up the blank spots on the way back doing the same.
Funnily enough this brand new blanket reminds me of the stuff I had when I was a baby myself, it's 1975 all over again.

Today I'm casting on for a matching cuddle cloth with a loop to attach a pacifier or to attach it to the blanket or stroller. I'll make it in the same pattern but small with an i cord attached as a loop in the middle. Still thinking about the embroidered part, not sure what to do there... maybe a leaf... or a squirrel if I can find a good outline picture of one. (help is welcome!) But first I'll finish the ipod nano sock that I'm making for my friend Miriam. Yesterday she and her fiancee had their birthdays at the zoo. We got an assignment: draw our favorite animal and write a small piece to describe the animal so the others could guess which animal it was. There were prizes for the people that guessed the most animals. Lots of fun. Here are two of my favorite animals. I drew the tiger, my years in art school finally paid off, haha! Boyfriend Dear and I spent about 30 minutes watching the small clawed otters. Too cute!!


  1. Ha SAS,leuk weer wat van je te lezen! Dekentje is erg leuk geworden.
    Succes met de laatste loodjes!

  2. CUTE! Je dekentje is echt superaf met die mooie bambi, TOF!
    Take care, tot snel

  3. Hey Babe!
    Je dekentje is lief met die bambi! Waar heb je de afbeelding vandaan?

  4. What a cute baby blanket! I bet it feels good to have it finished before the wee one arrives.:)
    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. I am going to Dalarna in just a few days with the family. Maybe, perhaps, what if we could make a small swap? I would love get you something swedish-babyish while I'm there... Mail me at minemmaatgmaildotcom if you're up for it.

  5. Nog een vraag: Hoe heb je die afbeelding op je breiwerk geschaald? Heb je het eerst met pen erop getekend?

  6. Nou, zo zie je maar weer dat zo'n bol acryl toch weer van pas komt. Het is een nuttig ding en dat bambi-achtige figuurtje vind ik superlief.

  7. Leuke deken - die Bambioutline is toch wel echt een finishing touch!
