
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Freakin' HUGE and/but very productive...

I'm very, VERY pregnant (4 days past my due date) and anxiously awaiting the arrival of the little sprout. So meanwhile I'll show you some FO's before I lack the time to do so.

But first... this...
Emma, who's blog I love to read, is from Stockholm. I love Stockholm, in fact, I love Sweden. And when I told her I wouldn't be going to Sweden on holiday this year because of my pregnancy, she suggested a swap to help me get 'a bit of Sweden' this summer anyway. How sweet is that?

This week her package came and she couldn't be more accurate with the stuff she chose, it's all very, very much to my taste and liking.

There's two skeins of Drops Alpaca (always a hit!) One light and one dark grey. Perfect for a hat or a baby sweater!
A very cool rattler, handmade by these people.
A T shirt that's so cool, sprout will have to wear a sweater to go with it.
Lovely natural soap, a scrub cloth and a brush, Swedish sauna style.
and some yummy candy.

Thank you so much Emma, I'm loving it! And meanwhile I'm working my behind off to get your Dutch-style package done in time. ;-)

And now for some FO's.

Starting with the baby's room that's completely finished now. The weather was a bit gloomy when I took the pictures, so you'll have to imagine some sun rays coming trough the window.
the clock closet and the white one used to be my grandmother's. She actually grew up with those pieces of furniture in her house so they're more than 80 yrs old!! I transformed them into a zebra and a yellow cab when I went away to college. That was about 15 years ago. Later I put them in my basement and redid the small one when I got this house with Boyfriend Dear. And now they're up for their third life and look in the baby's room. I love stuff that has a history to it. (and it's really cheap... ;-)
The crib is Boyfriend Dear's family crib that was first used when his mother was born. It has 'held' a lot of baby's since and is now ready for our little one. I ordered the fabric from this Swedish wool spinning plant. And ordered a blanket and a bear to go with it. I just love Swedish design! My MIL did the whole fabric thing, the sheets too, and Boyfriend Dear's grandfather and grandmother helped in putting it all together. A true family project, again with lots of history.
The idea of the branch on the wall hit me years and years ago. I found this branch about 3 yrs ago on a hiking trip, scrubbed it down and saved it. This tree themed baby room was the perfect moment for it to re-appear.
The idea of the wallpaper tree and birds was blatantly stolen from a Dutch designer. I spent about € 12,- instead of € 200,- because I cut and 'designed' it myself. (Hey, I had the time and didn't want to spent the money...) I used scraps I had lying around and free samples from the local DIY store. (Is that stealing? or using more samples than you need??)
Don't worry, besides all this decorating, there's been some knitting too. First this baby hat for a wee girl. It's my own design. I first made it just in case we'll have a baby girl. But then my good preggy friend Karen -we had the same due date- gave birth to Puck, a beautiful daughter, yesterday and I was more than happy to give it to her.
this suit I made a few months in advance. It's made of Lana Grossa's Bingo (100% merino) and it's the most expensive piece of clothing that I have for little sprout. Which is funny, come to think of it, because usually you'd think anything you make yourself is cheaper. Wrong! But I've really thought this one trough, it'll last for about 3 months because of the -rolled up sleeve design- and so it's worth it's money. Right? And hey, mommy made it, so that must be worth something too. Oh... ánd... all other baby knitwear I've done so far has been knit from stash... So I'm doing OK here. I think...

Since I took the picture I've added a huge coconut button. It looks really 'eco-cool'. I'll take a picture with button later.
Then there's this one. A blanket I've knit in one afternoon. No pattern, just knitting. OK, so I've used 15mm needles, but's not all that small. I used bits of Drops Eskimo I had lying around, the green and blue are the hand dyed, hand spun Texel sheep wool I started using for this project and then frogged. And the green I bought from Ajour for a sweet price at the last Knit In Public BBQ.
Some more handy work...
This toy bag and stroller blanket made out of a piece of cheap fleece blanket and the fabric that's also used for the crib. And this mobile, in the forest theme of the room, designed by moi. I'm not really happy with the way it works and hangs and moves yet, I'm letting this one simmer in my brain for a while.

Right now I'm working on two gifts for two kids and I might start on a hat for myself. But let's hope I'll give birth first... I'm freakin' HUGE!!


  1. Ha SAS, nog even volhouden meissie, het komt echt!!

    Wat een schitterende babykamer, het kan echt zo in de VTwonen of de Eigen huis en Interieur. Zo mooi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    En dan alles wat je gebreid hebt.Dit kindje is meer dan welkom.

  2. wow, dat ziet er ERG goed uit, liep langs je straat vanochtend en ben zo benieuwd of het al begonnen is..
    HOU VOL, het kan nu echt niet lang meer duren.

    Liefs Puk

  3. Wow your baby is one lucky kid! What a beautiful room, it's so quirky and original. I love it! Will you do my room? :D Best of luck with the giving birth... hope it comes soon!

  4. Geweldige babykamer, wat een leuke spullen. Daar moet dat babietje toch wel nieuwsgierig naar zijn zou je denken. Nog EVEN en t is zover!!!!

  5. Neat job! Magic concepts and it all comes together so well. I really love what you've come up with. I also steered clear of the 'Disney' style nursery. And those little knitted outfits are simply gorgeous. I hope your bub escapes soon!

  6. Just to say I am thinking of you.

    The room is gorgeous, and well done with all the knitting!

    All my best wishes that Sprout finally decides to brave the weather (or you will be having a Thanksgiving baby ;-)

  7. What a beautiful and thoughful room you have been putting together for your little sprout! You are super-crafty and have great taste. I love the colours, the wallpaper and especially the tree! And the birds! I bet you will spend a lot of time in there just soaking up the great vibes. :)

    Hope you are doing fine. xx.

  8. Love,love, love your nursery! Echt supermooi!

  9. I love to knit but if I were only half as good as you I wouldn't be too bad!!!

    Beautiful room. You are soooo talented!

  10. Just lovely! Such a calm, peaceful haven for your little one. I hope your silence over the last few days means that you have that wonderful little person in your arms.

    Good luck, Mama!

  11. Gorgeous room, best wishes with the delivery and first few weeks. Remember, you will eventually get sleep and you will have time to be productive later. :)

    October babies are the best. October girls are even better!

  12. It's all so beautiful! Your baby is very lucky.

  13. Sas, wat ben jij onhuur creatief!!! Geweldig! Richt je ook kamers in? Ik heb er nog wel een paar die wat liefde kunnen gebruiken... Maar ga eerst maar eens baren jij! ;-)

    Geweldige muts trouwens op Knitty, sjap-boo!

