
Monday, March 17, 2008


I am -offcourse- a huge dramaqueen. Got you folks all worried for nothing... well... nothing... In knitting terms it's not even a huge drama, just a small setback. But I was just so frustrated with myself, dissapointed and, yes, even a little sad.

This is what happened...

While knitting row after row of the same on Boyfriend Dears Cobblestone, eventhough getting a little tedious, I'm very much looking forward to the fun part so I'm knitting on the automatic pilot and....

Instead of a K row in between the rows with the purling on both sides of the sweater, I just kept doing the same thing.

For about 10"


I've never been a reptile fan, but the frog is about as appealing to me as a bowl of crispy grasshoppers (have you heard? Insects are the new 'organic').


On other news...

Dagmar has won the mini-contest. I'm working on a new pattern called 'Nessie' and 'draakje' (little dragon) is the closest to the good answer; a water monster.... ;-) Sorry Ajour... Dagmar if you send me your adress I'll send you a little present.


  1. I know EXACTLY what you are going through. Poor you. If you have not already frogged it - try it on Boyfriend Dear first to check the size. Or you might have to frog it again.

    Been there. Done that. Frogging it again when I find the strength for it. Lets just cry one more time over spilled stitches first.

  2. Enorm balen zeg. Zelf kan ik daar heer slecht over. En dna dat uithalen, vreselijk.
    Maar de muts van Iep is echt erg erg mooi!
    Ik hou wel van Drama-queens........

  3. dat is altijd balen: uithalen. Diep zuchten, even vloeken en opnieuw beginnen. Zelfs drama-queens kunnen dat.
    leuke muts btw

  4. There are two ways you can approach the frog:

    1) Drink some wine* till you are so happy and giddy it doesn't really matter anymore

    2) Get your significant other/best friend to do. [I usually resort to this option]


    * or another drink of choice

  5. Thanks for the warning - I'm only on the sleeves for the moment!

    I'm sure you will have the 10 inches knitted again very quickly :)

  6. Jij het drama, maar je zoon(?) is de queen!!

  7. Oh ja, ik voel met je mee. Misschien moet je na het froggen hem heel even in een hoek leggen, waarna je met frisse moed weer verder kan gaan....

    Ik ben nog steeds heel blij met de overwinning :-) :-) Adres is inmiddels via Ravelry naar je toe!

  8. HOe gaat het met de Cobble? En super toffe muts!
    Hier in de lappenmand, wil graag met je afspreken, maar die bronchitus moet eerst weg..
