
Tuesday, May 06, 2008

ehm, maybe not...

Turns out Wordpress isn't that much better... it just didn't look good. With a little 'pimpin' I decided this blog would do for now. I thought it would be a nice opportunity to change to a nice fresh white scheme, but working on a white blog for the last days really made me miss the black. I know it's not a very friendly 'color' (I was told in art school that it actually isn't a color) but it makes the pictures look good and it's stylish. So I'll stick to my Blogger blog.

While you were blogging and knitting...

I was doing this:
re-organizing my stash...
sewing play blankets for Iep...
and we went on a holiday to Langeland in Denmark. It was great! Quiet, pretty, beautiful weather and this...
Yarn in a supermarket! (a small supermarket)
For those of you who think 'yeah, so what, it's crappy yarn', that's pretty amazing for a Dutchie. I've never éver seen yarn in a supermarket in Holland. There are hardly any yarn stores as it is, let along YARN IN A SUPERMARKET!!

There wasn't much more yarn shopping because, well, there weren't many people on the island, let along yarn stores. But after a failed search on Ravelry (is that even possible...Ravelry Rocks!) I managed to find an amazing shop that sells natural clothing and... fabulous yarn. An add in a tourist guide said bla, bla, bla, GARN. I may not speak Danish very well (or at all...) I must know the word for yarn in about a 100 languages.

The goods in the store were way, way too expensive for a starting entrepreneur, so I did what I always do; buy just two skeins of carefully selected yarn and as a result always having to little yarn to make anything mentionable. I got the softest yarn in my collection so far; petrol blue 100% baby alpaca, recycled silk that looks like peacock vomit (and I mean that in the nicest way), white and a green/grey 90% wool + 10% acrylic mix (good for baby booties) and an actual Danish product; two skeins of mohair mix (75% kid mohair, 25% merino) in two shades of green. I was (and am) a happy camper!
Some pebble and wood gathering was done too...

I finished this baby...
It's a hat that turns into a toy as soon as the wee one grows out of the hat. I'm thinking 'Zilla' or 'Nessie' for a name. More about that one as soon as I figure out how and where I want to sell patterns. I think this one might be my first non-free design, just to see how that goes, a good impulse to finally open my Etsy shop and because, well I'm serious about my knitting empire so I've got to get serious about selling stuff.

I also designed a bag for the new summer kit I'm working on. Still working on an open worked beret (to keep hairs out of the way while sun bathing!) and as soon as that's done, I'll write out patterns, take pictures, make the kits and get them out there in the shops. (I actually have two shops that sell my kits now, yay!)

Furthermore (always loved that word)... I copied an existing bag design for promotional purposes. This bag is designed by Susan Bijl and is a huge success, she sells them all over the world and is able to live from the profits. I always wanted to make this icon into a knitted version and when I ran into her she gave me the extra excuse; she was working on her new folder and in it will be pictures of people from all over the world with her bags. She asked me; 'how fast can you knit, the design is printed in about 6 days.' And I said; 'pretty damn fast if I have to.' So I got the talkon powder, put it on my hands and knitted away, with this as a result and a very probable spot in the new folder which means loads of world wide advertising for SAS Knits It Again.
And now for something completely different...Boyfriend Dear shot this while he was in Malawi (Afrika) about a month ago. Isn't he a sweetie, shooting a wool shop from out of a car window, especially for me. How romantic!

On other news...

Sunday will be my first mothers day éver. I didn't think I'd be so excited about it, but I am. When I was smaller we were always expected to buy my mom gifts. I hated the expectation aspect of it so I want to do it differently. I have no expectations but when Iep gets older and if he wants to do something I hope he'll make stuff himself. The kind of kids creativeness where you go; 'aaah that's lovely dear, whát is it...?' 'An astray mum.' he then says while giving his non smoking mom a bulky thing that looks like a mini mountain of clay.

Aaaah motherhood.... Loving it!


  1. Weer genoten van je post!
    Meid, hou het lekker bij zwart, ook beter voor het milieu en inderdaad komen de foto's er beter op uit.
    Mooie vakantie heb je gehad zo te zien. Lief land en gelukkig nog leuke inkopen kunnen doen.
    Die tas en die muts zijn echt geweldig! Nog even en je gaat een eigen patronenboek uitgeven met coole patronen voor kids!
    En geweldig dat je pakketten al op 2 plekken te koop zijn.
    GA ZO DOOR!!!!!!!!

    By the way, fijn dat je weer even een foto van Iep plaatst, kan ik even kijken hoe groot hij nu alweer is. Wat een snoeppie is hij toch!

  2. Good to see you back in top form!

    My my you have been busy.

    Iep is just the cutest thing definitely deserve a good mother's day! I hope the boys spoil you rotten (some African yarn maybe?)

    Ravelry rocks indeed!!!

  3. je blog ziet er sowieso fantastisch uit, maar mogen (pretty please, with sugar on top) de letters ietsiepietsie groter voor de 40 plussers onder ons? Of ben ik de enige?

  4. I hope you had a wonderful first Mothers Day and good luck with your Knitting Empire!
