
Sunday, November 02, 2008

Double Knitting (with free pattern)

I became aunt today for the first time, but to two wee ones!
Twins Steen (boy) and Venstre (girl) were born last night. I'm very proud of the tough mama-cookie who did all the hard work. This afternoon I'm going to visit them for the first time, I can't wait!!

I knit these two hats in one night. It's a very, very, very basic pattern (suitable for a first knit in the round project!) and fits newborns.

Finished size:
30cm / 12" (a bit smaller than the usual 13" newborn size since they're twins and usually twins come into the world a little smaller)

5mm/ #8 dpns

Pildar Partner Potiron (orange) and Ecorce (chocolate brown)
Tapestry needle

15x21 = 10cm/ 4"

CO48 sts on dpns.
Place marker and join for working in the rnd, being careful not to twist sts.
[Knit 1 round, Purl 1 round]*
Repeat * 2 more times

Change to St st (Knit all st every rnd) and work even untill piece measures 8 cm/ 3" from CO.

Shape crown: Dec as foll:
rnd 1: *K4, K2tog *repeat from* to end of round
round 2: Knit
round 3: *K3, K2tog *repeat from* to end of round
round 4: Knit
Cont to dec every other rnd in this manner, working 1 less st between decs each dec rnd until you've worked a rnd of K1, K2tog.
Knit 1 round
Next rnd: *K2tog; repeat from *
8 st remain. Break yarn, thread tail on a tapestry needle, draw through rem sts, pull tight and secure to WS of hat. Weave in loose ends.


  1. Gefeliciteerd, zomaar twee kleintjes! Leuke petjes.

  2. Heet ze echt Venstre (links in het Deens) ?
    schattig die mutsjes!

  3. Gefeliciteerd!
    En wat een lieve mutsjes... ubercute!

  4. Gefeliciteerd en wat lief dat je het patroon deelt! Dank je wel.

  5. weer een geslaagd patroon!!! Ik zie weer mogelijkheden..
