
Friday, November 28, 2008

Tales of wat is, wat was and what's coming...

To start off I want to show you this picture of some very beautifull beads and buttons and tell you absolutely nothing about it!
Ok, maybe a little... ; It's a quick glance into the future of my next Knit Kit. It's special, it's different and I'm working with two other talented ladies to make it happen. You'll have to wait a little longer to see what's coming. Ha!

On the knitting front there's actually been a conquest! Cobblestone is, finally, after a whole 10 months (shame on me).... READY! And, more importantly, loved by it's new owner; Boyfriend Dear. Eventhough I'm not so worried about 'the curse of the boyfriend's sweater' since we have a son and one on the way, I didn't want to take any risks, so I let him pick the pattern, the material ánd the color. Personally I would've gone for a green or a brown, but there's no educating BD when it comes to colors. Black is the only option. Or in this case a tweedy dark grey.

It may have taken me forever to knit it (in between other projects) but I've done it cleaverly if I do say so myself. I even let him fit it a couple of times while in progress. So now he has a fitting, long enough for his taste, long enough sleaves for his comfort, very special sweater.

Ofcourse you won't be surprised to hear that there was a little downfall in this conquest.
All glowing with pride and joy I presented him with the finished project the night before he went to ..... Taiwan. Where it's about 20 degrees Celcius (short-pants-weather)...

On newer news...
In a week or two I'll be hosting Knit Nights at the Naaicafé. For all those students (and other knitters) that have finished their lessons but want to continue knitting in a friendly, warm and cozy environment where you can share thoughts, get inspired and ask me questions about your latest project.
I'm working on the details. But it will be held every tuesdaynight from 20:00 to 22:00, it will include drinks and a 10% discount on knitting materials and coaching plus tips & tricks. All this will come at a very reasonable price. Pay for a Knit Card, decide when you want to come and get your card stamped when you do.

Keep reading the blog or send me your mailadres to keep posted!

Voor de Nederlandse lezers:
Over een week of twee zal ik Brei-avonden organiseren in het Naaicafé van Caroline Vogel. Voor de breisters die klaar zijn met de lessen, maar wel gezellig verder willen breien en geinspireerd willen raken en voor breisters die al kunnen breien maar dit graag met een groepje gelijkgestemden willen doen in een gezellige omgeving.
De avonden zullen op dinsdagavond van 20:00 tot 22:00 plaatsvinden. Drankjes, coaching waar nodig en 10% korting op materiaal zitten in de prijs die fors lager zal zijn dan prijzen van de lessen. Je betaald voor een strippenkaart dus kan komen wanneer het jou uitkomt. Hou deze blog in de gaten of stuur me je mailadres als je interesse hebt in deze avonden.

ps I seem to have troubles with the 'mail me' button on the right. is the adress you want to use!


  1. Oh, die knopen. Ik ben zeer nieuwsgierig!

    De trui is prachtig geworden.

  2. wat een spanning!

  3. Congratulations all around! On the new kits, your teaching, the sweater & on the news of a second one on the way. Wonderful:) Your Cobblestone is gorgeous. Makes me feel guilty for not knitting anything for my husband!

  4. Ik ben wel erg benieuwd naar die mooie kralen.

  5. Je weet ons weer aardig in de stress te werken: WAHH wat een mooie knopen en OOjee wat voor geweldigs gaat ze er mee doen???!!!

    Trui is schitterend geworden!! Wat zul je trots zijn en wat zal boyfriens er blij mee zijn!

    Alles verder goed? Hope so!

  6. Prachtige kralen/knopen joh! En de Cobblestone is Heel Erg Mooi!

  7. Wat een kleuren, geweldig zeg, die kralen en knopen. De cobblestone is mooi zeg. Ik heb die van Storm-man gezien, die is wat lichter van kleur. Die van jou is prachtig in grijs!

  8. Oh fabulous................ yes very nice................ looks like he's going to be living in it............ it looks really good................... I must admit, I like his choice of colour! Sorry... : )
