
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Jackll & hide go wonkers

It's been more than a year ago since Knitty was so kind to publish my Jackll & hide pattern. I've had loads and loads of compliments and to this day 311 people on Ravelry alone have knitted it. It made me feel a little famous and I crave for more....


I've also had a lot of questions about the pattern. Mostly to do with the eye holes. The Knitty people edited that part a little, and they were right, their version is so much cleaner looking and easier to do. Thing is, there was a little counting error, they've updated that and forgot to change the following numbers, so questions keep coming.

Since I didn't design that part it was kind of hard for me to answer those questions between the dishes and working on new designs. So I finally decided to knit it for myself and see what went wrong.

Now you can read the correct instructions.
I'll cover the eye hole part completely. The pink text is edited from the original.

Shape Eyeholes:
Next Round: BO 2 sts, k11 (12 sts on right needle
together with bound-off sts) and place these sts on st holder; BO 2 sts, k to end. 60 sts.

This part you knit just the stitches on the needle(s), back and forth.

Row 1 [WS]: P2tog, p to last 2 sts, ssp.
Row 2 [RS]: Ssk, k to last 2 sts, k2tog.
Row 3 [WS]: P all sts.
Row 4 [RS]: Work as for Row 2.
54 sts.
Rows 5-6: Work in stockinette st.
Row 7 [WS]: P1, m1, p to last st, m1, p1.
Row 8 [RS]: K all sts.
Row 9 [WS]: Work as for Row 7.
Row 10 [RS]: K1, m1, k to last st, m1, k1.
60 sts. Break yarn. If you are using double-point needles, divide these sts between 3 needles so that you have 2 free needles. If using circular needle, leave sts on needle.

This part, you work only the 12 st. from te stitch holder.

Place held sts on a double-point needle and rejoin yarn with WS facing.

Work Rows 1-9 as above. At the end of Row 4, there will be 6 sts.

Row 10 [RS]: K1, m1, k to last st, m1, k1, CO 2 sts, k the 61 sts on the circular needle or other double-point needles, CO 2 sts; join to resume working in the round, k6. 76 sts.

This point will now be beginning of round. If using double-point needles, place 19 sts on each needle.

Work 3 inches in stockinette st.


Good luck, I hope this helps!


  1. Hoi Saskia,

    leuk om te lezen dat het zo goed met je gaat... nieuw huis, tweede kindje op komst, succesvol brei-ster....
    ...heel wat gebeurd sinds Veldwezelt!

    Groetjes en veel plezier woensdagavond,


  2. Phew, thought I was going a bit mad there and couldnt count!

    Thx xx
