
Monday, April 27, 2009

A small Hi!


It's been a while, I know. I've been exercising the art of mothership. It's a real wonder and I feel blessed with two very beautifull and sweet children. But -in all honesty- it's not a breeze, a piece of cake or a walk in the park... man, this is hard work. I knew it would be (actually thought it would be a little worse than it actually is) so I'm enjoying it with all it's challenges but I hardly get anything done outside caring for the two sprouts and making sure our house stays liveable and clean(ish).

The biggest challenge I had to face in a long time is taking Iep and Line ('Eep and Lee-na') to their check up at the childrens buro (it's a Dutch thing...) where they get measured, weighed and get some general check ups. Gosh, I don't think I've ever lost more sweat than in those 2,5 hours (...) Keeping them both happy and getting the 1,5 yr old to do certain things while holding a 4 wk old that's screaming... oi oi oi...

Anyhoo, knitwise, obviously not much news. I'm in a state of concept. That means that I'm mostly 'thinking' about knitting without actually doing it. I've got a lot of ideas for new designs and projects so I'm turning myself on with ideas and possibilities.
'One possibility; let them entertain each other...'

Meanwhile, my new studio looks more like a dump at the moment . All the unpacked boxes that are left over from the move have been dumped there untill further notice. So not much creativity going on there. Well, I guess some spiders are figuring out what outrageous webs they can make in the chaos...
It's ok though, I officially have maternity leave untill I say I don't anymore (quelle luxury!). So I'm of the hook. That is, just untill I get sick of the conceptual state I'm in. And I'm guessing that won't be too long.
Got to go now, as soon as I get that 'motherhood of two thing' under control(ish) I'll start some spectacular knitting....

Note to my students: I'll send you an email well in advance to let you know when the lessons start again. I'll post a message on my blog too.
Notitie voor mijn studenten: Ik stuur jullie ruim van te voren een mail om te laten weten wanneer de lessen weer beginnen. En ik zet een berichtje op de blog.
'another possibility; just clear up one of the kids
while you're doing something with the other...'


  1. O wat herkenbaar!!!!
    Succes met alles. EN fijn dat je er zo van geniet.

  2. Oh, I remember that transition from one child to two. I am now 3 days overdue with my third!

    They certainly will entertain each other and that will just fill your heart with more joy than you ever could imagine. Hang in there and congrats on your beautiful family!

  3. Wat een prachtige dochter. In deze tjd is alles te: te mooi om waar te zijn, te druk, te moe en te geweldig.

  4. Je kunt het! Straks komt er echt een ritme in de chaos en zul je zien dat er ook nog wat tijd "voor jezelf" overblijft.

  5. What a nice update, Sas! You seem to take good care of your family. I hope you manage to find some time for yourself too.

    We only have a few (erm...) boxes left to unpack here too. Time sure does fly!

  6. niet breien! deze tijd met die kleintjes is goud waard. Ze zijn maar zo kort, zo klein. Lekker genieten, als het lukt, en de dag beleven.
    Het zijn schatjes om te zien zeg!
    Ik had er 4 jaar tussen, maar dat was ook druk zat (school, brengen/halen...).
    Je overleeft het wel. hahahaha.

  7. He Sas,

    Wat leuk om ook weer ff je blog te lezen, vind het knap dat je het uberhaupt er nog bij doet.
    En trouwens, je doet het superrrrgoed als moeder, dat je dat nog ff weet!

  8. Hierbij vergeleken is mijn baan niets... pfoe...sterkte, joh!

  9. Hi Sas !
    Found you via LinkedIn somehow, then clicked this blog. Congrats on your daughter !
    Wonderful to hear you're doing well. Nice button on your site.
    I started up a blog too, on international things going on at our department / school of social work, HRO. After a special course on web 2.0 tools I got a blog up and running and try to keep it up.
    Bye and good luck from Anja

  10. via engelse en/of internationale modules binnen CMV zijn we elkaar tegengekomen. Meer dan "fleeting acquaintances" zijn we niet, want K & C vakken heb ik nooit gegeven. Marianne en Erik zal je vast beter kennen, still going strong by the way !
