
Saturday, October 17, 2009

At the Fair

The second day of the fair is over. Tomorrow's the last. It's been a wonderfull learning experience so far. The feedback, the compliments, loads of people that understand your partly weird obsession and some dear friends you haven't seen in a while. I'm enjoying it immensely.
Here's a peak at my booth. I'm sharing one with my friend and knitting collegue from HolyWoly!

Today I've had a special guest at the booth. My wee girl decided that she couldn't be without mom for more than 3 hours and started demanding me (read: screaming her lungs out). A ride home, a ride back to the fair with baby in the back and a sling with experienced help took care of that 'problem'. I hoped she would fall asleep while I was carrying her, but little miss thang just had too much to see, hear and smell and so she was awake during the rest of the day. She attracted a whole bunch of people though. Free publicity!
Can't wait to go again tomorrow. New knitting adventures gleaming on the horizon!

Tomorrow's your last chance to visit us at booth 155!!!!


  1. Wat een prachtige kraam hebben jullie zeg!!
    Als ik dat zo zie en lees (ook bij Yvonnep) vind ik het wel jammer dat ik niet kon komen. (vrijdag nog in Barcelona en za/zo cursus meditatie). Je dochter is al vroeg een handelsvrouw en wil er gewoon met haar neusje boven op zitten, geef haar geen ongelijk, zo'n dag is gewoon erg leuk!
    Succes met de verkoop!

  2. Eerlijk is eerlijk, door onze prachtige "zelfgemaakte" meiden, heb ik bijna niet naar jullie inspirerende spullen gekeken. Maar omdat we dicht bij Rotterdam wonen gaan we elkaar vast nog eens ontmoeten. Wij hebben juist erg van je dochtertje genoten en uit alle stands is die van jullie 1 van onze favorieten om verder te volgen via internet! Succes vandaag.

  3. Hi, I was there, and I agree that having your baby was good advertising! What a cutie. I loved your booth, although, i confess I didn't buy anything. It was a wonderful event to see what the Netherlands has to offer.

  4. Het was leuk Sas! Het geinigst vond ik nog de drie haaknaalden die ik heb verkocht als haarspelden...:-)

  5. Hi everyone thanks for the compliments! I had a blast!
    Hi Anna Simone, whish you'd have talked to me, I've had a special English flyer made for non-dutch knitters. I teach knitting in English too. If you live here, or even if you're here just for a while, feel welcome to visit me at the Naaicafé. I can give you tips on where to go craftwise in the NL. (free of charge offcourse) :-)

  6. Hi Saskia,

    Don't worry, I'm not "bang voor Nederlands, alleen het schrijven". Thanks for the offer of knitting lessons, but I've been knitting since I was small, but only in the last few years, becoming OBSSESSED!! I just love it, reading about it, making things, etc. Where is your Naaicafe? I live in Amsterdam, but maybe if I have the evening free would love to join you. Bedankt..

  7. Hi Anna Simone, The Naaicafé is in the Hoogstraat in Rotterdam. We've also got a weekly Stitch 'n Bitch, but the one in Amsterdam will be a lot more convenient for you I imagine.
    You're welcome to visit any time!

  8. Wat ziet dat er heerlijk en gezellig uit!!
