
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Is it Handknit?

Tonight at 20:25 CET @ NL3,

Keuringsdienst van Waarde
-my favorite TV show- is researching, in their own charming way, if their bought handknit sweater is really handknit.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

SAS Knits It Again on the radio

Today, totally unexpected, SAS Knits It Again starred on 3FM (National radio) at the Stenders Eetvermaak Show. There's an item where you send in your job titel and Dutch Artists from the collective Op Sterk Water! freestyle a song about it and serenade (is that a word?) it to you live on air.

I text 'brei juf' ('knitting teacher') and got a call back!! From 25 other jobs, mine was picked. I was on my way to teach and had to park the car in order to get sung to. A weird way of spending minutes I tell ya...

Here's the piece. Start listening @ 36 mins.

I act really giggly because I'm nervous, also because it's just really clever and funny. Was amazed by the fact that this dude knew how to knit stockinette stitch....
If you don't understand Dutch...
you won't be able to understand.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Going with the Flow

Flow Magazine and website featured SAS Knits It Again Knit and Embroidery Kits. I love Flow, it's a very well designed and well made magazine full of 'me-time' stuff. Gotta love it.

If you're here because you've seen SAS Knits It Again in Flow and you want to order please mail me or call +31(0)6-41759707. Or go here and here for more info about the Embroidery or Knit Kits.

Monday, January 04, 2010


I love it
I love it
I love it!!

Got Elizabeth Zimmermann's Knitting Without Tears and I'm amazed by her talent, wit and clearness. I want to be her. No, wait... I want to be
like her. I want to knit like her. I want to write a book and I want to be able to explain things that clear to my students.

Liz, you rule!
And my wee one agrees if only because the book works great with semi-adhesive stickers... (SEMI adhesive, phiew...!)

Welcome DianneB!

This is me posing with one of DianneB's scarves and my new H&M Home pillow with knit print. DianneB is my first 'employee'. She's the extra pair of hands that I need to knit my ideas into 3d reality. She's got excellent taste and a very good eye for color. Check out her Etsy shop and knitting inspiration blog! Welcome to SAS Knits It Again, Dianne!

What's the Fuzzzzzzzzzzzzz?!

Look at this fuzzyness! They are two sheep's wintercoats waiting for me to clean and comb and use for stuffing something I will reveal later. (be patient, it might be a while...)

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Cursing in the Church

Here's something we Dutch like to call 'Cursing in the Church' (vloeken in de kerk) I'm showing you a sewing project. A WHAT? SEWING?!?!?!?! How DARE you...
Well, it's just one project...
I'm copying a bag that I love using a very sturdy piece of scrap fabric.

Speaking of churches... I've found a wonderfull world below the church in our street. It's a thrift shop in the basement of the Church. I've lived here a year now, and only just discovered this amazing place. All the benefits from sales go to charity. And -at the risk of sounding really arrogant- in the small town I live they like other stuff than city folk (I still feel like the later). So this means there's so much more opportunity here to find cool stuff.

The shop is huge and very well organised. I've spent 2 hours the first time, made a friend in the process, and wasn't finished by a long shot. So now, after returning home with a woolen blanket and a piece of very sturdy tentcloth, I have two new projects on my hands that aren't knitting. A bag and a baby blanket and floor pillow. I'm SOOOO inspired. (Imagine me singing this!)

Sew you soon!

Friday, January 01, 2010


I vaguely recall having used this title before... around a year ago. (my sense of humor hasn't changed during the year, it's as bad as before...)

I wish you all happy knitting and all the things you want in life. Enjoy 2010 and if it's hard to enjoy it, grab a brand new skein and a brand new pattern you've wanted to knit forever and cast on!

Here's some of the things I've been getting myself into in the last couple of days.
In case you were wondering... The first picture is a close up of the unjoined piece that has to become a hat. But it's not becoming anything. There's a movie out here in the Netherlands, a Dutch movie. 'The Hell of '63', about a long and inhumanly cold ice skate marathon called 'The 11 City Ride' (de Elfstedentocht). A well known brand of soups, sausages and other winter foods is sponsoring it and hand out old fashioned 'devil's hats' to promote their goods and the movie. There's, as with all big project marketing, a promotional website on which you can find the pattern of this ow-so-cool hat. I was over the moon, and cast on immediatly, using a fine set of dark grey and beautiful green/blue Drops Alpaca. As it turns out, the pattern is probably written by a surely lovely but very, very old lady that used to knit it way back in 1963. It's totally incomprehensible if you ask me.
And so it happend that I knit the whole darn thing stubbornly believing that it just looked weird unfinished.That it would be fine once joined and finished. Well... this is what it looks like.

And this is what it should look like.
I spend hours knitting on 3 mm needles. (I'm more into the 5mm's and up usually) and I love the yarn and how the colors work. So you can imagine how frustrated I am.
If you're feeling adventurous, this is the link to the pattern. On You Tube you can watch the hat being knitted by an old lady, real time (REAL TIME!!). Here's the link to the fast version. I can hardly tell what she's doing. (s0 frustrating...) I figured out that it shouldn't be in st st, but otherwise, I'm lost... I have so many other ideas and projects in my head that I'm not sure if I want to start over. But it could be such a pretty hat!