
Friday, January 01, 2010


I vaguely recall having used this title before... around a year ago. (my sense of humor hasn't changed during the year, it's as bad as before...)

I wish you all happy knitting and all the things you want in life. Enjoy 2010 and if it's hard to enjoy it, grab a brand new skein and a brand new pattern you've wanted to knit forever and cast on!

Here's some of the things I've been getting myself into in the last couple of days.
In case you were wondering... The first picture is a close up of the unjoined piece that has to become a hat. But it's not becoming anything. There's a movie out here in the Netherlands, a Dutch movie. 'The Hell of '63', about a long and inhumanly cold ice skate marathon called 'The 11 City Ride' (de Elfstedentocht). A well known brand of soups, sausages and other winter foods is sponsoring it and hand out old fashioned 'devil's hats' to promote their goods and the movie. There's, as with all big project marketing, a promotional website on which you can find the pattern of this ow-so-cool hat. I was over the moon, and cast on immediatly, using a fine set of dark grey and beautiful green/blue Drops Alpaca. As it turns out, the pattern is probably written by a surely lovely but very, very old lady that used to knit it way back in 1963. It's totally incomprehensible if you ask me.
And so it happend that I knit the whole darn thing stubbornly believing that it just looked weird unfinished.That it would be fine once joined and finished. Well... this is what it looks like.

And this is what it should look like.
I spend hours knitting on 3 mm needles. (I'm more into the 5mm's and up usually) and I love the yarn and how the colors work. So you can imagine how frustrated I am.
If you're feeling adventurous, this is the link to the pattern. On You Tube you can watch the hat being knitted by an old lady, real time (REAL TIME!!). Here's the link to the fast version. I can hardly tell what she's doing. (s0 frustrating...) I figured out that it shouldn't be in st st, but otherwise, I'm lost... I have so many other ideas and projects in my head that I'm not sure if I want to start over. But it could be such a pretty hat!


  1. Lieve SAS, bij deze alle goeds voor 2010 voor jou en je dierbaren.
    Dat het een gezellig, gezond, kleurrijk en creatief jaar mag worden.
    Mooi mutske!
    Morgen gaan mijn odchters met mijn moeder naar 'De hel van 63'. Ik zal ze na afloop verwarmen met chocomelk en een lekkere stamppot met die worst. Mutsjes er bij op en met de vorst van nu, blijven we lekker in de sfeer hangen.

  2. Een mooi en breierig 2010 en ik hoop je vaak en overal tegen te komen.

  3. He, ik heb hem ook gemaakt, en ben er net zo gefrustreerd over.... wat een naar patroon. Ik moet er ook nog over bloggen :-). Fijn 2010 gewenst!

  4. Unox is van worsten en soep, niet van brepatronen!!
    Een wollog 2010 gewenst.
