
Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Bandwagon

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SAS Knits It Again got a lot of press this week. Thursday a national newspaper (Algemeen Dagblad) placed an interview with Francine Oomen and me talking about yarn bombing (aka knit tagging or in Dutch; 'wild breien').
Francine is the author of a series of childrens books on 'How to Survive...' different things in life. Her last book covers Yarn Bombing. I thought it was kind of a weird choice in the series but I love the fact that she's promoting knitting to the next generation. One way or another I got on the bandwagon of the media hype that she started and I was happy to join in.

In a reaction to the piece one of the most popular morning shows on National radio called me and spent quite an amount of time talking to me about the same subject. In spite of having worked in marketing and communication for years, I still suffer from stage fright. I used to promote the bands that played at the venues where I worked on the radio on a monthly basis. I even got myself to present an arts & culture talk show for a while to get over my fear. But when I used to DJ I still had to kill a whiskey before I could start playing. It's the main reason why I never started a band. (I love to sing) I start to shiver, can't eat, feel sick to my stomach and can't function right.
Strange thing is, when I'm in the middle of 'the thing' I'm fine and most of the time I can look back on a good interview, show or whatever.
It's a strange thing...

Listen to the radio interview here


  1. Hé BNer!!!!!!!
    Had ik gisteren je handtekening moeten vragen haha.
    Wat fijn al die aandacht van de media voor het breien en nog fijner, dat ze jou daar voor vragen: een moderne, spetterende en beetje leuk gekke jonge vrouw, die uitstraalt dat breien erg leuk en zo andere ook enthousiast kan maken.
    Ik vond het enorm leuk en lief dat je me even hoi kwam zeggen en hoop heel erg dat je 1 april naar Nieuwegein komt en dat we dan even uitgebreid bij kunnen praten!!

  2. Delighted to see you get so much exposure. May you see continued success!!
    Stage fright's a funny old thing. I still get it from time to time - like walking on stage is like walking off the edge of a cliff!
