
Friday, April 01, 2011


Do you feel neglected? I'm sure you do. And I'm really sorry. I should be posting more. I should be posting more about my life, about knitting. But when I scroll down my last posts it looks like I've mostly been bragging. It's just... I'm so proud. I don't want to brag at all I just want to share the jumping frogs (and some butterflies too) in my stomach with you.
I'm working hard to get my little company running and I just love doing it. But since I have a limited amount of time I have to choose the things I want to focus on. Most of my energy has gone into publicity and shouting out loud in every which way I could.
There's been a lot of knitting too and -as ever- the designs keep piling up in my *Moleskine notebooks and I can't find the time to work them into patterns. I NEED AN INTERN!! One that doesn't need payment, a workspace and can turn up at extremely flexible times. (Spare Elves anyone?!)
So choosing.... I've slimmed down my knitting focuses to two:
1. designing for the beginning knitter,

2. teaching new blood how to knit
That seems like a fairly clear plan to me.
So now the next step. I want to professionalize my appearance online (I'm already seeing a beautician each month so that's covered...) and so I've decided to put a big chunk of my earned dough into a new website that more clearly shows what SAS Knits is and does.
In two languages: Dutch for my students and English for the pattern buyers.

So next week I have a meeting planned with my personal graphic designer (and good friend) Job. Next a meeting with this cool new studio that's making my new site: Rox Media. (I'm getting good prices, so there you go guys, links and labels and a twitter post and a Facebook post!)
Talking about personal designers... I love working with other designers to use combined talents to get a new item, shape or idea. Dianne B once mentioned leather needle bags and I swooned at the mention of it. I kept the idea in my head and when I met Christina K. of Tarra-g (an extremely cool & nice gal/leather bag label) I mentioned the idea and she jumped to it.

This is the result of her work and my needs: I'm in love. That's all I'm saying. My own CUSTOM MADE leather needle case by Tarra-g. This is going to last a lifetime and I'll be able to give it to my son or daughter one day. There's so many things that make this needle case perfect I can't even mention them all. Ok, one more: It's green! Ok, enough ranting! Mail her if you want one too!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, nee echt, ik voelde me totaal niet genegeerd door je. Ik weet gewoon dat je met geweldige dingen bezig bent en dat je door de drukte geen ruimte hebt om te posten. Liever zo dan dat je met je armen over elkaar zit!!
    Allereerst, wat een enorm mooie foto's!!!
    En wat een mooi object wordt het dan, zo'n naalden verzamelmap.
    Geweldig wat je allemaal aan het ontwikkelen bent en regelt.
    Vind je een echte wereld vrouw en carriere woman!!!
    Blijf ons op de hoogte houden van de ontwikkelingen, al zou het maar een keer per 2 maanden zijn!
    Hopelijk krijg je gauw aandacht van de landelijke pers, want als er iemand is die kan zorgen dat een jonge generatie mannen en vrouwen gaat breien, dan ben jij dat!!

    x x x
