
Monday, November 07, 2011

JULE KULE of 'Oh... gaan we zó beginnen...?'

It's all the rage in Europe...knitting Christmas balls. Arne & Carlos took the knitted Christmas ball, dolled it up Norwegian style and made a genius book featuring themselfs in Norwegian sweaters with a twist (fair isle space invaders), their dog, their home and dozens of knitted christmasballs.
The trend is taking over big time and Arne & Carlos are everywhere, on the net, in your LYS, in the bookstores, in workshops all over the place and this weekend they are HERE, in the Netherlands promoting their book. As if it needs more promotion... than this:

Two weeks ago there was some serious ball-knitting done at the SAS Knits It Again Studio. Some of my students took their guts, mothers and friends and got to it. It took about an hour of swearing (I shall not go into details) but after the first couple of centimeters the fun grew and grew and turned into addiction for some. (Check out the pictures below).

Two days ago I got a text message from fellow knitter Bianca: 'Do you want to come knit on national TV at the PAU!L show?'. I wasn't jumping at the idea at first, the host, Paul de Leeuw, is known for his blunt and rude stylein interviewing guests and audience. My friend Jol's baffled face after I cried out: 'NO WAY!' made me think again. It might be a great way to promote the studio or at least knitting in general. And so I went home, took my brand new Lily Scarlet dress (she's got a new brand, for us 'curvies'!!), my Elle Aime 'I heart Knitting' brooches, all the guts I could find and took off. But not after mailing the Christmas ball workshop gals. Dianne B, knitting homey, took the bate and tagged along. Thank god for Dianne! (Dianne, you know why!)

After an adventurous car ride, we arrived at the studio's a little late (knitting diva's as we are) and were put to work immediately. Hundreds of adorable mini knitting balls, double pointed needles, cake and coffee were spread over three tables. About 20 women were knitting their balls off. We felt like we were on a school trip. I heard myself say; 'This seat is taken, it's for my friend!'
Our assignment was to set up about 450 knitting balls, just the three first rows. They were then put in goody bags, a pattern and some stuffing were added and the bags were placed under the seats in the audience. The idea was to get the whole audience to knit while Arne & Carlos were being interviewed.
It didn't take long until we made some friends, Jansen & Jansen, made the experience very entertaining. And we decided to confront the talk show host with the phrase: 'Oh, gaan we zo beginnen...?' (Oh, you want to be like thát...?) if he was going to be brutal to us. We thought it was hilarious and from that moment on it was our reply to almost everything.

It was time, we were called into the studio. I didn't want to sit in front to minimise the chance of an interview. And off course... we sat in front.
The show was fun, for a long time we were safe. Until Dianne B was picked to kiss her neighbor in an item that earned money for a good cause by people having to kiss each other. Full Frontal earning the most points. I sat next to Dianne B.
But I wasn't the only one that sat next to her. Phew! I got away!!

The show went on and on and finally a huge onion shaped form opened and there they were, now dubbed 'the Victor & Rolf' of knitting;  Arne & Carlos! Surrounded by a mini Norwegian house interior set. Very cool looking! (in my opinion)
The item was finished before I could knit three rounds and so was the show. But... this is what happened next:
 Arne (right) & Carlos (left) obviously thrilled by our little rendez-vous!

If you missed it...
watch it here:
Get Microsoft Silverlight
Bekijk de video in andere formaten.

some screenshots (not linking to the video!)

the packages, the audience and a happy knitter...

1 comment:

  1. Hé, Saskia zie ik daar mijn vaas met ballen? Leuke foto. Zou je hem ook naar mij willen sturen, dan mag jij hem ook gebruiken op je blog... Leuke blog, Saskia
