
Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Hi there, here's a small bit of info that's particularly interesting for my dutch knitting friends:

Ladyfest is in town!
This weekend @ WaterFront. It's a great thing, organised in the US for the first time and since then ladies all over the world have followed the example to promote female creativity and arts. There's bands, workshops, films, spoken word, food, cocktails, a festival market and an exposition (with work from a.o. Miriam). Great, great stuff. It's going to be a fantastic weekend by girls for everyone! Check out the site!
Now on to the knitting part:
Since I'm the communication manager at WaterFront, I thought it would be a great opportunity to promote Knitting in general and the Stitch 'n Bitch phenomenon in particular. I contacted the dutch editor of Debbie Stoller's books and now I'm there, at the fest, at the festival market promoting her books and selling some of my own stuff. I'm there knitting on friday and saturday from 14:00 on. It would be great if you want to join me. Let me know and I'll save you a ticket.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Leuk! Ik wil zaterdag wel komen breien, en ben sowieso nieuwsgierig naar het festival!
