
Sunday, October 22, 2006

Ubernatural Beta Blogging Sollutions

So I took the plunge and changed the blog to the new Beta format. It was a bit scary but I survived. I had to make some changes to go back to the way it looked before and I did some alterations on the color of tekst. I didn't get that part of html so I'm happy now, this Beta thing is much easier to alter.

Back to the knitting.

A bunch of you asked what the problem with my holes was. One knittingfanatic actually made a swatch to figure it out. Só nice...!
Well, this is what's wrong with the pattern , I'll copy-paste the first part where the mistake is, and then I'll copy-paste the way it should be in my humble opinion.

This is what is says:
S [M, L, XL]
Cast on 40 [50, 60, 70] stitches.
Row 1 (WS): Knit
Row 2 (RS): Make button hole, knit 7 [9, 11, 13] yo pm yo, knit 4 [6, 8, 10] yo pm yo, knit 18 [20, 22, 24] yo pm yo, knit 4 [6, 8, 10] yo pm yo, knit 7 [9, 11, 13]
Row 3 and all odd rows (WS): Knit 3 stitches, purl to last 3 stitches, knit 3 stitches.
Row 4 and all even rows (RS): Knit to the marker, yo, pass the marker, k1 yo., knit to second marker, yo pass m, k1 yo, knit to third marker, yo, pass m, k1 yo, knit to fourth marker, k1yo, pass m, yo, knit to end.

And this is what it should say:
S [M, L, XL]
Cast on 49 [59, 69, 79] stitches.
Row 1 (WS): Knit
Row 2 (RS): Make button hole, knit 7 [9, 11, 13] yo k1 yo, knit 4 [6, 8, 10] yo k1 yo, knit 18 [20, 22, 24] yo k1 yo, knit 4 [6, 8, 10] yo k1 yo, knit 7 [9, 11, 13]
Row 3 and all odd rows (WS): Knit 3 stitches, purl to last 3 stitches, knit 3 stitches.
Row 4 and all even rows (RS): Knit to the marker, yo, pass the marker, k1 yo., knit to second marker, yo pass m, k1 yo, knit to third marker, yo, pass m, k1 yo, knit to fourth marker, k1yo, pass m, yo, knit to end.

etc. etc.

Other than that I knitted the neck edge two times, so Row 1 and Row 2 are knitted in my version.
It was knitted with about 4 skeins of Lana Grossa's Multicot. I bought it for only 1 euro a skein. The buttons were the most expensive. And the labour ofcourse...

So all in all I'm really happy about this FO. But... there's one thing off... 'What?', you ask. Well, it doesn't fit me...I tried the top on, it was flexible enough and fitted fine, but the bottom, with my child bearing hips and a cast off that's a wee bit too tight, it was never going to work. Not to worry, not to worry! I have plenty yarn left to make me 'anotherbiggerone' and I'm passing this one on to my dear friend
. As soon as the recipient recieves it, I'll set up a fashion shoot and post this Ubernatural beauty including some filling! hehehe!

Thanks for thinking with me and trying to solve the problem!!
I can definitly recommend the pattern, it's a very quick knit (took me a week with 2 hrs a day approximatly) and it's a cool pattern.

ps for people that end up here with Ubernatural problems. Irma (one of the readers) send these links with other Ubernatural makers.


  1. Wow, quick knit, even with the trouble in the beginning! And I really like the fabric too!

  2. "it is not easy being green" except when you wear a selfknitted green sweater. It turned out great!

  3. Wat is hij mooi geworden.
    Ga je hem dragen op de SnB dag in Rotterdam??? Dan herkennen we je allemaal!

  4. I found your Ubernatural errata and thank you thank you for that. I started knitting it and silly me noticed that there was a glaring mistake in row looked all weird on mine and I ignored it but everytime i tried it on, it just looked weird! Anyway, I'm gonna rip it out and try it again with your corrections. Thank you so much!
