
Thursday, October 19, 2006

Fairy Godmother

apparently I have a fairy godmother... At my birthday she came in the form of Boyfriend Dear's grandmother.

Turns out I'm not at all stupid or backward or half evolved... Or at least not when it comes to the holes I showed you in my last post... The rest? Well, the rest is debatable... Turns out they were a mistake in the pattern. Such an ego booster!

So once I really got started, I couldn't be stopped. This cardi is a dream to knit. I'm using Lana Grossa Multicot, really soft and it has a very light flow about it. It's such a fast pattern. I started (for the 5th time...) on saturday and I hope to finish it by tomorrow morning. Keep in mind that I only knit for an hour or two a day. That's fast right?

Now that I know and like the pattern I'm thinking of making it in a less poisonous color. The Multicot was discontinued and I bought it for 1 euro a skein. Great value, bright color!

Weird thing though... I'm using only half (no kidding) the yarn recommended, which is really scaring me. It looks like it will fit, but I'm to scared to try...

I'll let you know in a day or so.

If it doesn't fit, I know a certain someone who might like it.

Meanwhile...Who knows where I can get big pretty buttons online?


  1. Jee wat wordt het mooi en wat kan je snel!!!!
    Laat je ons nog weten wat de fout was?
    Ben benieuwd naar de foto's waarop op je hem aan hebt.

  2. Wordt prachtig, en ik sluit me aan bij Tijm: wat was de fout? Ik heb er uren op zitten puzzelen, en zelfs nog een proeflapje gemaakt om te kunnen zien wat er aan de hand was, maar ik kwam er niet uit. Dus: melden!

  3. That looks gorgeous! and i love the color! over a black shirt it would mellow it out, and i bet be stunning with your blonde hair. I can't wait to see the finished item!!
