
Saturday, October 14, 2006

Tweedly Tweedly Tweedly Tweed

I guess you must be wondering...
is anything -anything at all- happening at chez Sassy? All those projects, all those plans. So far all we've seen is mostly talk and very little action. Is anything actually being created?

Well I can tell you this:
- the one toed socks still lie untouched
- half a headband is too
- the lace scarf is getting minor attention
and all this because...

I've been spending my time with this baby

'What time? ', you ask, 'there's hardly anything there...'

Well, that's because the ratchet thing has been knitted and frogged about 5 times over. The green monster is driving me insane. Up to the point that I posted a question on the myspace Stitch 'n Bitch group to see if anyone could help.
You see, there's these weird holes that keep appearing. There should be holes, but not like these. And what's fascinating... they are CONSISTENTLY wrong. Look at this

There are four spots that have holes, WRONG holes. And the thing is. I make them like this ev-e-ry-time... It's driving me bonkers. Look here at the comments I got on my space. Do I purl my yo's?? Pshssssssssssss. COURSE I purl my yarnovers!!

So, to keep myself and my loved ones safe, I decided to take the example of a famous knitter. If she can. I can. The Yarn Harlot, after careful consideration and a still failing project, just started a new sweater.

And so did I.

It's Otis, from Knitty. I'm knitting it a bit longer at the bottom, before the in- plus decreases and I'm hoping that will work. It has to, otherwise my girls won't fit in. The girls must be warm, can't be having halfchilled boobs.

Can you see the lovely yarn? Course you can! It's Legende by Phildar*. It's got a wee bit of alpaca in it which makes it really soft. It knits like a dream. My friends Zita & Henri (mostly Zita I guess...) bought it for my birthday (31 now...gosh...). I got a whole whopping 6 skeins, but I'll have to get some more if I want to make a longer version.

Meanwhile I'm still looking for the perfect cardigan pattern. I'm not sure what it is I want, so that makes it harder to look for it. I'm liking the tweeds though. Two weeks ago I stumbled upon a basket with one euro skeins and got these:

(except the Phildar one, that's in there for the completion of the tweed shot)

I'm definitely liking the tweeds for a cardi! These babies here will turn into hats and maybe a very narrow scarf. But I need to find the perfect tweed (green preferably) and the perfect pattern for my perfect cardigan. Any ideas anyone? I like simple and classic but comfy.

Oh, and this is how I wound the bulky skein, very resourceful girl I am. I sometimes like to call myself: Sassy Mc Gyver...
Oh pleeeeeeeeeeeease...

ps I did finish a set of mittens and a beret, but I'm waiting to get some more yarn to finish the matching wrap and when it's all done, It will be shown, I thee promise solemnly!
pps Phildar yarns are available online from in Canada, in the US, and in the Netherlands.


  1. sassy mcsas! I am totally digging the tweed. very nice indeed. and too funny....threadbear fiber arts....thats in the city i live!!! it has like everything you could ever need. I have yet to go there as I am trying to be good...but well I did just get paid yesterday and I might have to buy just a wee little treat :)

  2. He SAS nu zie ik de plek van de comments staan.Onder het bericht van die vingerloze handschoenen stond het niet.
    Vervelend dat die gaten niet willen. Ik zou ook met dat patroon aan de gang maar zie er eerst maar even van af. Heb zowiezo teveel liggen maar daar kan altijd meer bij.
    Succes met het gatenproject uiteindelijk zal het wel goed komen maar ten koste van hoeveel 'bloed, zweet en tranen'??

  3. Hoi, ik volg met interesse je inspanningen om de gaten goed te krijgen. Ik wil 'm namelijk ook nog breien.
    Ik snap niet waar de yo voor dienen omdat je pas in de 6e rij een knoopsgat hoeft te maken. Begint het patroon bovenaan? Nee, want anders hoefde je niet 3p 3k
    Zij heeft 'm ook gebreid:
    Misschien heb je daar wat aan?
    of deze?
