
Monday, December 04, 2006

How About Them Apples?!

I've been crazy productive lately. Only not so much on the blogfront. But knit wise I have this to show for myself:

1. The Droplet Hat from Knitting Nature. The hardest thing I've done so far. It was not that hard, but those bobbles just take forever... it takes a little getting used to a round taking about triple time than it does usually, but it's really worth it. It's a fast knit and a great look.
I used dpn's 6 (mm) instead of 5 because seeing other pictures online they all seemed too small to me. And since I have a big head...

I've knit it in the round, not because I thought that would be easier or better looking, I just didn't read the pattern right. Would be nice if that big head did some thinking once in a while...

2. A hat and scarf from Garnstudio using this and this pattern. I bought the yarn at the Stitch 'n Bitch Holland day. It's Drops, Eskimo. Great stuff. It smells of sheep. Call me a weird, but I like the smell of sheep...

I'm not crazy about writing down all the things I've changed in the pattern and including the errata* but let me just tell you this; if you're knitting this hat, you don't need to make it 54cm long, that way the hat's going to be way, way to wide. (even for my great big head)

3. And also... I've been working on my own designs. Two of them. And they shall remain a big secret until I hear from the goddess herself. It's an entry for the next S'nB book full of designs for men. I have to hurt myself to stop me from saying what they are, so I won't. And then there are about 4 other designs galloping about in my head, eagerly waiting to be knitted into reality.

4. I've started Tempting II. I know it's going to be a bit boring, but it's also going to be relatively fast and easy and I know this design is perfect for my (luscious) body type. So I've got to have it. Even though my first effort with Tempting wasn't really a great success but that was mostly due to my bad yarn choice. I'm confident this will work!

5. I'm getting myself ready to start working on the Ram's Horn Jacket from Knitting Nature or A Cardigan For Arwen from the last issue of Interweave Knits. I have a gift certificate lying around for my fav yarn store and I'm letting it depend on the kind of yarns I can find to decide which one to start. At the S'nB day I fell madly in love with Klazien's Kreatie, she had a fab green tweed which is perfect for both, but I can't leave this certificate lying around now can I?

In between all this knitting I've caught myself a big big fish... I've found a new job. It's a dream job and it's fantastic. After 5 yrs of working as communication manager at several pop venues/clubs, this is it. It was great but to be honest, I can't wait to work on a computer that doesn't have a steam engine, to be invited to business trips and paid for workshops. I'm ready to move up the ladder a step or two. So as of January I'll be project leader of campaigns at an organisation that supports events and festivals. So now it's not just music, but literature, dance, theatre, sports, you name it.

On other things that might or might not interest you; I've visited the Antiques Road Show (Tussen Kunst & Kitsch) with Boyfriend Dear my SIL and my BIL. SIL & BIL are actually in the vintage design business so I expected them to be rich by the end of the day. But they brought all kinds of stuff that isn't in their direct area of expertise so to them it was as exciting as it was to me, bringing 4 miniature paintings that used to belong to my parents. To be honest... it was all a bit disappointing. SIL & BIL had nothing that was extremely valuable and even got the old: 'That would be worth as much as a fool would pay for it.' And me, well I know that my miniature paintings weren't postcards in a frame as I suspected, but actual paintings, reproductions to be precise and not worth a darn thing...

Have you seen that the winter issue of Knitty is now online? I hoped there would be more sweaters and cardigans, but there's some fun stuff there! As if I need any more projects to distract me...

best news EVER EVER EVER
My favorite grocery store now sells apples that people with an apple allergy can eat!
I haven't eaten an apple in about... ehm... about 23 years... Ever since I was a kid I've been allergic and in time my food allergies got worse and worse. You can't even begin to imagine how happy I am, I actually choked up at the store... and not in a Snow White kind of way... I love genetic manipulation! Can't wait for the other fruits and veggies and nuts to be manipulated so I can finally start eating that stuff!

How about thém apples?

* this doesn't mean that if you want to know the details I won't tell you. I'd love to, just send me an e-mail and I'll help you out!

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