
Monday, December 11, 2006

Tagged / Tikkertje

Without knowing I got "tagged" by this gal, asking me to do this:

Describe 6 strange habits about yourself.

Only 6?
Ok, here goes:

1. I'm an extreme time manager when it comes to the route and order of doing things indoors or in town. I plan out carefully where to go first, what to take with me and how to do stuff just so that it is the most (time)efficient. It gets so bad that I get confused and frustrated if it doesn't work out perfect. Other than that I'm not too anal...
2. Oh wait... I am... I make loads and loads of folders to file my emails, in my favorite list of websites and at work. But that's just because I'm so chaotic in real life, it's not so much strange as absolutely necessary...
3. I leave messages on my own voice mail whenever I have an idea I can't write down because I'm on my bike or something.
4. I eat M&M's (correction used to eat...) in logical order. That means whatever seems logical at that time.
5. I walk under ladders on purpose, not to tempt faith, but because I believe that by being self assured, nothing bad will happen. So it's reverse superstition or something...
6. I once build a nest... for myself. behind the couch with cushions and fluffy blankets, a disc man and a bunch of magazines and books. I needed to get away from the magical 'pull' of the TV... and the couch blocked it. This is not technically a habit though...

After thinking this over I figure it's more logical to ask another person what your strange habits are. I'm asking Boyfriend Dear tonight. Let's see what he comes up with...

For now, consider yourselves tagged:
Drea Renee and Miriam!

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